

We are so glad to have you in the classrooms. It’s great to see so many of you in the classroom. Your time and effort spent with our children is invaluable. Many of our successful programs would not be able to go ahead without your support, so Thank you!

Studies have shown the importance of parent/carer helpers in the classroom and that students do better academically and socially when a school build positive relationships with families.


‘When parents are involved at school, the performance of all the children at school, not just their own, tends to improve. The more comprehensive and well planned the partnership between school and home, the higher the student achievement’ (Henderson and Berla).

At Dorset Primary, our philosophy towards helpers in the classroom is much the same. We believe that the one on one support parent/carer helpers give in the classroom is invaluable.

Some of the ways you can support your child as a parent/carer volunteer is:

  • Reading sessions
  • Writing sessions
  • PMP (Foundation to Year 2)
  • Classroom Cooking (Foundation to Year 2)
  • Stephanie Alexander Kitchen sessions (Year 3 to Year 6)

Volunteering in the classroom does require your full focus on the task and the student/s you are working with. We ask that classroom helpers /volunteers make alternative arrangements for their toddlers and babies so that our students can have your full attention and support. This will allow you and our students to maximise on their learning without distractions.

PMP and Cooking requires supervision rather than one on one support, allowances can be made for younger siblings in these two activities.


Of course, these are not the only areas we can volunteer your time. Throughout the year, there are many other events and opportunities that will require your support and a request for help will be made. You can stay informed by checking Compass regularly.


Dorset Primary does offer a Parent/Carer Volunteer training session for parents who would like to support their child in the classroom but are unsure how or for those who would simply like a refresher before they start in the classrooms. It is strongly recommended that you attend one of these sessions before you begin working in the classroom, if possible. Please contact Nicole Bell, Nicole.Bell@education.vic.gov.au if you wish to attend the next available session.


Classroom helpers and Volunteers are reminded to adhere to COVID guidelines:

  • Sanitising of hands on arrival and when leaving the school premises;
  • Sanitising of hands after each student has read to you;
  • Maintaining social distancing were appropriate.


Kind regards, Palma Coppa